목록PSU (1)

준비물 : 5557용 숫단자,(연장 케이블을 만들 경우엔 암단자), 5556T (5557용 클림프), 케이블 (18AWG 전원용), 압착기, 스트립퍼 , 핀 제거 분리기, 파라코드 난이도 : ★☆☆☆☆(단, 소요시간이 길다.) https://pc-mods.com/blogs/psu-pinout-repository PSU Pinout Repository We provide PSU custom sleeved extension cables and computer cables supplies. Great selection of connectors, cable combs, cable sleeves in 23 different colors, terminals, wire and heatshrink. pc-mods.co..
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2023. 11. 17. 16:15